Monday, 16 January 2017

Pray, Plan and Pursue

Pray, Plan and Pursue

In life people go through various things, challenges, successes ups and downs, achievements and disappointment. As we begin a New Year, lots of people always come up with resolutions of which before the end of the first month of the year, they either forget or neglect it. The extent of our achievements in any year depends on these three factors; Prayers, Planning and Pursuance of our plans. Everything we achieve or fail to achieve is
subject to these.


Lots of people see prayer as communicating with God but I like to see prayer as a relationship with God in which we communicate our mind to God and God in return speaks His mind to you. This relationship is built by constancy. God does speak back to us, this could be in various form;  a scripture being impressed upon your mind, a voice in your heart or peace brought to you but prayer is incomplete untill you have heard from God. In 1Sam 23:1-2 David inquired of the Lord in prayers before he made any move and God spoke back to him.

In every relationship people communicate either casually, intentionally or otherwise but no relationship is built when one party just comes to speak and speak without the other speaking back thus, we need to hear from God during prayers.


These are laid down steps on how to achieve set goals. These steps should be tangible; something you can relate with, ataniable and progressive. Where there are no plans you shoot aimlessly wasting your resources. The necessity to have a plan cannot be overemphasised because this helps you know how and when to apply your resources as needed because resources without a strategy still leads to failure.


This is the commitment you give to the acualisation of your plan. This will require some level of discipline (strict training) on a regular basis to get to your set goals. The man who pursues nothing achieves it (nothing). You cannot be wishing your way to success, success is intentional. When you fail to pursue your plans, frustration and depression sets in.

Now there is an order in this. It starts with Prayer followed by Planning then Pursuance. First start with prayers not planning for God is not a rubber stamp to approve after you have made all you choices and decisions neither is he a Disc Jockey (DJ) that plays all your request. Prov 3:6 says “in all your ways submit to Him”. He is interested in the decision making as well as the process. Prov.16:3 says “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans”. It is not also advisible to begin to pursue when you do not have laid down plans because you end up wasting your resources .

You would not need to be at the mercies of men when you Pray, Plan and Pursue for Prayerful, Preparations Prevents Poor Performance.



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