Friday, 28 April 2017

Lions Saves Christians from Execution on Easter Sunday

This is an amazing  story of God’s intervening hand to save his people and He is always on time.
Pastor Paul Ciniraj, Director of Bibles for Mideast, says that he and other Christians were rescued from the clutches of death by a group of three lions. Ciniraj and his group were under attack from Islamic militants when the giant cats attacked and scared the murderous group away.
According to the report delivered to WorldNetDaily.Com ( WND )  It was Easter Sunday, and the pastor was recovering in the home of friends in a forested area near where his group has been working.
“Suddenly, a group of militants reached the house, armed with steel bars and other weapons,” he reported to WND.
In the home with him were others, including a woman aged 80, several children under the age of 4 and a woman seven months pregnant.
“Losing all hope, we thought for sure this was our last day,” he said.

But while the group was praying, he reported a strange occurrence.
“Completely unexpectedly, a lion ran from the forest, leapt toward the militants, and seized one by the neck. When other combatants tried to attack the lion, two other lions bounded toward them. The terrified militants fled the site, and the lions left us completely alone,” he said.
“Equally astonishing, records show no lions are supposed to live in that forest,” he said.
He reported he had been approaching the closing of a 21-day period of fasting and prayer.
“As that drew to a close, more than 3,000 former Muslims were baptized in many of our churches in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The Lord enabled me to baptize many people during this time,” he said.
But while he was at one of the church locations, “militants began stoning me and our group”.
“My head was severely injured and bloodied, and a number of others sustained injuries as well,” he said.He was hospitalized, but he feared for his health and life there, so he went to the forest home of a local pastor, he said.

Although this news happened some days ago, precisely on Easter Sunday! Resurrection Day! The Risen Lord showed his mighty hand at work in the lives of His witnesses in adversaries.
God is a refuge in time of distress as in Psalm 91; He who goes to the Lord for protection shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty….A thousand shall fall at my side ,ten thousand at my right side but I will not be harmed….only with my eyes shall I behold the downfall of the wicked….It is a call to remind all Christians that God is with us. His grace is sufficient. He will never forsake His own.
May the Risen Lord continue to deliver His children from the hands of the evil ones and may He grant pardon to His enemies. Let us continue spreading the word and praying for our lost brethren.

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